Captain Application
Marathon Branch
Family Relations
Family Relations Captains are for fun, outgoing, passionate students who work directly with our Miracle Families. These captains serve as a liaison between our kids, our internal team, and the external community! Family captains are an integral part of keeping our families connected to our organization throughout the year. Family Captains help organize monthly family events, in which it is the job of the captains to keep our families comfortable and engaged. Captains also help create designated family areas at our Marathon, as both a space to interact with the external community and as a place for families to relax and recuperate from the craziness of the event! In order for the Family Relations team to be successful, we need captains who are dedicated, organized, communicable, and (most importantly) love our kiddos!!
The Year 30 Family Relations Chair is Ellie Flynn
Dancer Relations Branch
Membership Captains work alongside our amazing internal team to lead the Delegate program to new heights. Students in this position will work closely with the Membership Chair and Membership Coordinators as they act as the liaison between the Delegates of all organizations and the rest of our internal team. Membership Captains assist the 2025 Delegates with engaging their members in our year-long movement by helping facilitate fundraising push days, communicating with Delegates and their members, improving the dancer experience, and aiding with guest services at the Marathon.
The Year 30 Membership Chair is Kate Whitaker,
Marketing Branch
Information Technology
As an IT Captain, students help to engage the external community through updating our website! After acclimating to a more virtual than ever world, the IT Team encourages new ideas on how to communicate with our internal and external community. This team also controls all the technology at all of our events! Captain responsibilities include bringing new ideas, helping with the website, and working with technology throughout the year!
The Year 30 IT Chair is Lauren Rattray,
Finance Branch
Community Marathons
Community Marathons Captains help bring our mini-marathons to life! In this position, students have the opportunity to work and collaborate with local programs in Leon County. They also are responsible for helping facilitate high school executive board meetings, brainstorming ideas to get schools involved and fundraising, and serve as a liaison of support for the high school program and its students. Our high school programs culminate in February with a month of mini-marathons, which captains are expected to attend and help run. Some of the requirements for this position include time management skills, patience, and a drive to help spread our Dance Marathon movement throughout the Tallahassee community. Our Community Marathons Captains serve as leaders and mentors to local students by helping them put on an entire marathon, ensuring that each school's participants are actively engaged throughout the year, and encouraging them to reach their goals!
The Year 30 Community Marathons Chair is Emma Wolnewitz,
Inspiring New Leader
The Inspiring New Leader (INL) position is a Freshman Leadership Program within Dance Marathon at FSU’s internal team. This position teaches valuable leadership skills and introduces our future volunteers to our cause of pediatric philanthropy. As an INL, you will get the chance to meet and interact with the children and families that we fundraise for and participate in our year-long fundraising efforts. This position also allows you to gain an inside view of the organization's structure and how DM operates year-round. The INLs are one of our largest internal programs and are a part of the Leadership Team. The connections and friendships made as an INL add to the long list of reasons why DM at FSU is so special. This program also helps you find your future place within the many teams of Dance Marathon at Florida State University!
The Year 30 Leadership Chair is Grace Massari,