20 Ways to Fundraise in 2020
This past year, Dance Marathon at FSU has found many successful ways to fundraise as we reached new goals and created new challenges for our organization. To start off our 2020 fundraising season, we are sharing 20 ways for you to fundraise in this upcoming new year. From the seemingly tame to our more adventurous tactics, these all have proven results and we encourage you to try them all to find what works for you!
1. Bake cookies or brownies to sell to your friends and family.
2. Set a donation jar out at family gatherings.
3. Sell your old clothes and donate the proceeds.
4. Set a goal on Facebook, and promise to do something crazy when you hit it!
5. Raffle off a gift card for your donors.
6. Ask for donations for your birthday through Facebook instead of gifts for the year.
7. Pet sit or babysit for donations.
8. Send handwritten letters to grandparents.
9. Be an Uber driver for your friends on their night out.
10. Start a fundraising chain with you and your friends.
11. Be sure to write thank-you letters after you receive a donation, this can result in another donation!
12. Tutor for donations.
13. Wash friends and families cars over holidays.
14. Make a pledge where every dollar earned within a time period will count as another 10 push-ups or 1 mile you will have to complete For the Kids!
15. Channel your artistic abilities and make bracelets, paintings, or any works of art for donations.
16. Put your Venmo or Classy link on whiteboards in your classes. This will encourage your classmates to donate.
17. Email your professors or previous teachers a heartwarming message explaining how much Dance Marathon means to you and include your Classy link.
18. Challenge your friends that if you raise a certain amount of money, you’ll dye your hair a color like purple, blue, or pink.
19. Dress up in a costume in public. Post on Instagram that if you raise a certain amount of money, you’ll dress in a ridiculous costume at happy hour.
20. Make friendship bracelets and sell them. The materials for friendship bracelets are inexpensive, and your friends will love them!