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Survival Guide

Dance Marathon at FSU 2018 is quickly approaching and the time has come to start preparing for the big weekend. Twenty hours awake and on your feet can sound pretty intimidating, but there is no need to worry. With the right gear and attitude in mind, the marathon will be an enjoyable, humbling experience that will leave you with much more than sore feet. Here are some of the essentials every dancer should have on hand when walking into the Marathon in March.

1. The Essentials: Snacks, Water, Medicine, and Money!

These four things will be the most crucial items you will pack that day. They may seem like obvious necessities, but you must remember that you will need enough of these items to span twenty hours. Due to the chaotic atmosphere of the Marathon, many dancers forget to eat or drink regularly. However, eating and hydrating is vital in order to keep your body awake and happy. Healthy snacks such as granola bars and fruit are great for a boost of energy during the drowsy, late night hours. However, don’t forget to reward yourself every so often with your favorite candy! A reusable water bottle is an awesome way to stay hydrated at all times and differentiate your bottle from everyone elses’. As for medicine, it is always beneficial to keep some handy for any headaches or sore muscles that may come your way. Last but not least, a little extra money can go a long way. Whether you want to purchase some of our hip Marathon merchandise or call a friend for a quick coffee run, you cannot go wrong with some extra cash in your pocket.

2. Happy Feet: Tennis Balls, a Change of Shoes, and a Change of Socks

We won’t sugarcoat it; Your feet will eventually start to hurt. When your feet begin to feel sore or tired, these three items will become your best friends. A tennis ball is an inexpensive and effective way to roll out any cramps in your feet. Bring one for yourself and perhaps a few for your friends! After your feet have been revived and relaxed, nothing feels better than slipping into a different pair of shoes. When you are standing in the same of shoes and socks for a long period, they begin to feel worn and uncomfortable. Bringing multiple pairs of shoes and socks will allow you to change them periodically throughout the Marathon and will act as a pick me up every few hours. Be sure to pack all of your favorite tennis shoes, slippers, and fuzzy socks!

3. Friends!

This one may sound odd, but it is true. If you have a few friends with a different dance shift or some who aren’t participating in the Marathon, ask them to bring you a snack or drink. There is no better motivation to power though the last few hours than an iced coffee or a fresh, warm breakfast. Also, it will give you a friendly face to cheer you on!

4. Portable Charger

There will be opportunities and incentives for more donations during the Marathon, so you will want to stay connected to the outside world. Though there will be some wall outlets, it is best to bring a portable charger or share with a friend. Play it safe so you don’t lose your sanity along with your phone battery.

5. Keep it Clean: Wipes, Deodorant, and Makeup

After hours of dancing your heart out, you may not be very fresh. Rejuvenate yourself with these items so you can feel brand new and ready to make more miracles!

6. Change of Clothes and Theme Outfits

Similar to changing your shoes, having a change of clothes is essential in order to stay comfortable throughout the Marathon. There will also be an opportunity to earn points for your Miracle team every hour by dressing according to the hour’s theme! From 80s attire to Banana suits, no outfit is too bizarre for the kids. You will stand out if you don’t dress up, so pack your tutu.

7. A Positive Attitude

We cannot emphasize this enough. An upbeat outlook during the marathon will not only keep you optimistic, but it will create a positive environment around you. People inspire people; The best thing you can do during these 20 hours is inspire others to keep pushing and stay positive. None of this cause or event would be possible without every single one of the dancers. Remind yourself and others why this cause is important and worth fighting for. A negative attitude can spread like wildfire, so be sure you aren’t the storm cloud over someone else’s parade. At the end of it all, there is no better feeling than seeing the magical final numbers and knowing you helped make it possible.

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